striving to perceive things as they are through the expressions of art, story, and wisdom.
i’m originally from the philippines, but i grew up in northeastern ohio of the us. i am a freelance photographer, writer, and web developer based in bali, indonesia.
i've contributed to news, wellness, travel, and photography agencies. my photography has been exhibited in bali, europe and the us. before morphing into a freelancer, i slung code and managed web teams for fortune 500 companies. a list of my credentials are on quora.
my favourite meditations are a good book with a cappuccino, feeding stray cats and dogs, and wishing to be a rock star in my next life. i would be very disappointed if you were in bali and didn’t meet me for a coffee.
Photo Credits
Top photo on 35mm film late 80’s. Middle image(s) 1: self-portrait Paro, Bhutan 2014. Middle image 2 (touch/hover): by Syahravi Dewanda Pasar Ubud, Bali 2019. Bottom images supplied by Eve Persak, Roman Stearns, and Craig Austin.